Thursday, July 29, 2010

Suspicious Plane Crash Kills Polish Leaders who Refused to Enslave their Country to International Bankers

Poland refused the Swine Flu vaccine
They had their own Central Bank and Bank Governor
They wouldn't submit their country's money to the Euro zone
They wouldn't jump in bed with the IMF
They were not suffering a recession
They were prospering and had low debt

So is this what happens when a country's leaders refused to submit to the international bankers aka IMF?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What the Main Stream Media Does Not Want the People to Know:
Obama Wants CHANGE for a Socialist Democracy

Will the real Barack Obama stand up?


More than Words

Here's what Michelle Obama said on May 14, 2008, to burnish her husband's presidential credentials, "Barack knows that we are going to have to ... change our conversation, we're going to have to change our traditions, our history, we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation..."

Good Lord! Do we Americans really want to change our traditions and history? Are we that bad? Or does that mean Obama really wants to "fundamentally transform" us into a socialist country, as do all his inner circle of advisers, from Michelle Obama's hero, Van Jones, an avowed communist, to all his other czars who detest American culture and traditions.

What is even more alarming is that the mainstream media does not report any of this. I'm not talking about the theatrics of a Rush Limbaugh or a Glen Beck.

Read More

Friday, July 23, 2010

S.F. Police Throws Handcuffed Mother of Baby to the Ground

This is why people hate cops. Watch as a mother who is handcuffed is separated from her baby and the big tuff policy officer slams her to the ground while she was still in handcuffs!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Well the word is spreading that Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Sotero is not a naturally born citizen of the United States.

Even Congress knows about it. But the most important thing is... what will the American people do about it?

Maybe the American people won't do anything about it, because they don't want to admit that they have been scammed, hoodwink by the puppet masters who elected and placed Obama as president of the United States.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's Official: Obama is a Socialist

By David Asman

Obama's a socialist. That's the view of 55% of American voters, according to a new poll. And this isn't coming from a Republican pollster.

It comes from Democracy Corps, a polling group started by life-long Democratic operative James Carville and his partner Stan Greenberg. When the group asked 1,000 voters in mid-June how well the term "socialist" fits President Obama, 55% said "well" or "very well."


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

BP, Governments Downplay Public Health Risk From Oil and Dispersants

Riki Ott
Marine toxicologist and Exxon Valdez survivor

Pensacola Beach, FL -- When Ryan Heffernan, a volunteer with Emerald Coastkeeper, noticed a bag of oily debris floating off in Santa Rosa Sound, she ran up to BP's HazMat-trained workers to ask if they would retrieve it.

"No, ma'am," one replied politely. "We can't go in the ocean. It's contaminated."

Ryan waded in and retrieved the bag. That was Wednesday, June 23, the first day visible oil hit Pensacola Beach. Ryan had been swimming off the beach the day before, as she said, "to get in my last swim before the oil hit." The trouble is that not all of the oil coming ashore is visible. Dispersed oil - tiny bubbles of oil encased in chemical dispersants - are in the water column. On Thursday Ryan was treated at a local doctor's office for skin rash on her legs.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Tillman Story Trailer: American Hero Assassinated...

Amir Bar-Lev's emotionally powerful and heartbreaking documentary The Tillman Story comes to theaters on August 20th.

The real-life story follows Pat Tillman, who left his multi-million dollar football contract to join the military, only to find his tragic death manipulated and turned into a piece of propaganda.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Congressman talks about birth certificate and what it represents. He also mentions that everyone has footprints in their birth certificate with the exception of one (Obama?).

Alex Jones Movie: Fall of the Republic

Bill Moyers - Bankster Fraud Causing Major Crisis

Banking expert says banking system is a fraud and the biggest ponzi scheme.

The Obama Deception - Full Length Documentary by Alex Jones

We The People Stimulus Package

Basso a former award winning news director for NBC TV and visiting professor at UCLA portrays Thomas Paine, author of the “Common Sense” pamphlet that made the case for independence during the American Revolution, has called for Americans to send tea bags to Congress. His videos urges Americans to take their government back from corrupt politicians. As a result of his videos, Basso was reportedly “summoned to the White House by President Obama to discuss the subject matter of the short films.”